Frequently Asked Questions

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Is Central Virginia Network (CVN) the Nelson County Network?

Central Virginia Network (CVN) is the former Nelson County Network that was owned by the Nelson County Broadband Authority (NCBA).  In January 2020, ownership of that network was transferred to Central Virginia Services, Inc. (CVSI) and is now operated as CVN. 

What if I want to change my internet service provider (ISP)?

If you wish to switch to another internet service provider on the network, you must contact the new provider and arrange for connection.  The new provider will require you to sign a letter of authorization (LOA) which must be submitted to CVN before the switch will be made.  It is up to you the account holder to notify your existing provider to terminate your agreement, settle any balances or contracts, and to arrange any equipment returns.

How do I report a trouble?

If you have a service issue, contact your internet service provider (ISP) for support.  If the service drop is damaged, your ISP will contact CVN to get the drop repaired.

How do I get service?

Contact an authorized ISP that is utilizing CVN